Sydney Prefab Luxury House

Building Site:Sydney, Australia
Address:11 Deepwater RD. Castle Cove
Development purpose: Commercial Sales
Building Permit: Comply with Australia building Code
Building Area: 550 square meter
Garage:Double Garage
Basement: Yes
Decoration Grade: High
State of construction:Completed in February 2020.


Time line of this project
1.Design and Building Permit: 2 months
2.Produced in Sunrise factory: 1 month
3.Transport from Sunrise factory to Sydney work site: 1 month
4.Foundation + Basement work during the house transportation.
5.Frame + Lock up: half month
6.Fit up + Finishing:1 month and a half

On site workers : 6 workers

Total On site construction During:3 months

From project initiation to completion: 6 Months

Time saving compare with tranditional construction mode: 100% ~ 150%

Drawing approved: Structural Designer, Architect Designer, City Council.

Third Party Supervision: Yes

Foundation:Concrete slab, embedded sewer, drainage, water pipe.

Frame Material: Heavy Steel and light concrete

Mode of Construction: SPB panel + bolt connection

Sydney Prefab Luxury House