Planting a Sunrise Tree in the Highlands – Site Installation of the Sunrise Bolivia Project

Planting a Sunrise Tree in the Highlands – Site Installation of the Sunrise Bolivia Project

When I found out that the Sunrise Stock SPB modular building was about to land in the city of La Paz, Bolivia, I was intrigued and excited about this highland country in the interior of South America. In the southern hemisphere, more than 20,000 kilometers from China, how would our house be presented in that distant country of La Paz, at an average altitude of 3,500 meters above sea level?

After all the products were loaded into the container, the prefabricated houses carrying the good wishes of Sunrise people began to travel across the ocean, across the mountains and over the mountains to the project site day and night. At the same time, my fellow engineers and I were surprisingly successful in obtaining the legendarily difficult Bolivian visa in one day. In October, on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Motherland’s birthday, we arrived in La Paz as scheduled with our proprietary green SPB assembly technology, which represents the Chinese brand and industry leader.

The 4:00 a.m. flight took us to the world’s highest airport and gave us a taste of the early spring chill, but the warmth of our South American friends who greeted us warmed us. We were touched by the fact that Mr. Gonzalo, a highly respected member of the local architectural community, personally drove an hour to pick up the plane. He has been an old customer of Sunrise for many years and started to use Sunrise’s products such as kitchen cabinets and faucets nine years ago, and he praised the quality of Sunrise’s products as soon as he met us. The importation of new products and technologies for the assembly of houses is entirely based on Mr. Gonzalo’s respect for Chinese manufacturing and his trust and expectation for Sunrise products.

After a short break, we went to the project site to carry out a field survey. When we saw the foundation platforms rising up the steep slopes of the scenic hillside, when we were sure that the mountain was impassable for trucks and cranes, we couldn’t imagine for a moment how the installation would proceed, it was a huge test for us and for our products.

As we fidgeted, Mr. Gonzalo led us to the best viewpoint of the project site, where a bronze statue of his grandfather and father stands. This Hispanic descendant told us about his ancestors’ struggle to build South America with their roots in South America. It has been their dream for generations to build a wonderful home open to the locals on this treacherous, scenic mountain. That’s why the name of the project is Grandpa’s Dream. The hope is that with the efforts of their generations, they will build a green and lush paradise for this barren forested highland city…. Hearing this, our reverence for Mr. Gonzalo and his entire family is alive and well. It is also a great privilege to contribute to “Grandpa’s dream home”. Even if it is difficult to install here, we will let Centric Housing help them to create “Grandpa’s dream home”.

As we fidgeted, Mr. Gonzalo led us to the best viewpoint of the project site, where a bronze statue of his grandfather and father stands. This Hispanic descendant told us about his ancestors’ struggle to build South America with their roots in South America. It has been their dream for generations to build a wonderful home open to the locals on this treacherous, scenic mountain. That’s why the name of the project is Grandpa’s Dream. The hope is that with the efforts of their generations, they will build a green and lush paradise for this barren forested highland city…. Hearing this, our reverence for Mr. Gonzalo and his entire family is alive and well. It is also a great privilege to contribute to “Grandpa’s dream home”. Even if it is difficult to install here, we will let Sunrise House help them to create “Grandpa’s dream home”.

On the first day of construction, the original construction method of shoulder carry and roller sliding crane and Sunrise’s advanced building technology formed a very powerful scene. However, Sunrise’s new way of building, with its incredible speed, refreshes the locals’ perception of house building techniques. The workers often joke that the project is taking the methods used to build the pyramids thousands of years ago and applying them to a state-of-the-art building system. The workers’ optimism, their spirit of not being afraid to suffer, and especially their understanding of how quickly this product can be installed, make the seemingly impossible possible. From Chinese to English, then from English to Spanish, and even the barrier-free communication between Chinese and Spanish, which is so unbearable, let me deeply feel the workers’ heart and respect and appreciation for Sunrise products. The real version of “LEGO” from China allowed them to experience the unprecedented pleasure of building a house, often giving a thumbs up and saying “El producto hecho en China es tan excelente.

Within a week, we were able to install the house while training and instructing and successfully complete Phase 1. It was very gratifying to see that our apprentices, who communicate with body language.

On the day before we returned to China, Mr. Gonzalo warmly invited me and my colleagues to plant a Sunrise tree, a symbol of friendship, on behalf of Sunrise, to thank Sunrise for his efforts and contributions to realize his “grandpa’s dream”. We hope that the tree of Sunrise in La Paz, will take root on the ground and grow with the “grandfather’s dream”, and that the branches will flourish. let no difficult house build in the world!